Thursday, August 9, 2012

Was it the Mothman?

A few weeks ago, I saw a really nasty looking caterpillar on the jamb of my backdoor. I deftly removed it without killing it and deposited it elsewhere. It was a pale green color, very fluffy with angry looking spikes (actually more feathery than evil!!) all over its little body, and it had feathery antennae above its eyes.






This morning, I discovered this in the backyard. The Mothman has arrived!



The last image is to try and show how big it is without disturbing its little snooze.


I have also had other alien visitors. They ate all my parsley.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A day of clouds at Assateague, Maryland

My kids and I decided to spend at Assateague State Park, Maryland. We saw plenty of wild horses and curious people, and had a great time swimming in the rather cold ocean waves. It was great, especially since there were no jellyfish, seaweed or other nasties that sometime lurk in those waters.



It was cloudy when we arrived and it proceeded to get more ominous as time passed. I love clouds and the sea, so I took some pics with my little point-and-shoot Kodak

It became a little chilly so I wrapped up in a pareo. I look somewhat grim here!




